About Me

My name is John Boyle (he/him) and I am a data and research analyst based in Richmond, Virginia. I am a graduate of Virginia Tech (2015, B.A. Political Science) and Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College (2020, M.S. Public Policy and Management). My research is primarily focused on the intersection between housing policy and racial/economic justice through the use of observational analysis.

Most of my professional work in this space came from working at the Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG), an organization dedicated to building capacity for other local community and advocacy groups, and seeking positive racial and economic outcomes through research and advocacy. In my personal capacity, I have also written about public transportation and ridership data, community demographic changes related to potential gentrification and displacement, and economic indicators including location quotients and shift share analyses - which can be found on the Data Blog page..

This focus on community and economic development came as a result of my Heinz capstone project, sponsored by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services. Our group had two research questions: whether Pittsburgh's East Liberty neighborhood had experienced gentrification and displacement, and if housing voucher recipients were protected from potential displacement. We found that while East Liberty had not met the academic criteria for gentrification and displacement, the neighborhood had experienced significant changes that led to a loss of primarily lower income and Black residents. Additionally, we found that voucher recipients were more likely to stay within in the neighborhood, and experience the positive neighborhood changes associated with the academic definition of gentrification.

Prior to my work in data analytics and community/economic development, I spent time working in politics. This included a year working in digital publishing for an online media company, one campaign cycle as a field organizer for the Democratic Party of Virginia's 2018 coordinated campaign, and a year as a Staff Assistant for U.S. Senator Tim Kaine. Outside of work, I am a passionate fan of Philadelphia sports, listening to music of all genres (currently listening to emo, alt-rock, and ska -- so please don't judge me), and exploring the city of Richmond with my dog, Buddy.

About Buddy

A Really Good Boy (Buddy, the Shetland Sheepdog)

Buddy is a three and a half year old Shetland Sheepdog, hailing from Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. The greatest pandemic dog that anyone could ever ask for, Buddy
is an absolute professional at chewing sticks, catching
and chasing down tennis balls, and barking at phone calls.
He loves to howl at firetrucks and other service vehicles, knows a lot of words in English (too many words for his own good?), and wants to know if he can have a little of whatever it is that you're eating at the moment...

He says it looks delicious.


Last updated: September 25, 2023.