Complete: January 2023
Published: April 2023
PCRG has annually compiled a mortgage lending study, examining the mortgage applications and originations for all Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) eligible lenders.
In addition to the traditional written report that focuses on lending to low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers, LMI census tracts, and to minority borrowers - the
online data dashboard includes additional information. This includes American Community Survey (ACS) neighborhood profiles, interactable maps, and more.
We found continuing racial disparities that negatively impact Black borrowers in Allegheny County even when comparing for income status, as for many lenders
the mortgage origination rate was higher for low-income white borrowers than it was for middle- and upper-income Black borrowers. This continues to concentrate many of Allegheny
County's Black residents into segregated neighborhoods of disadvantage.
Due to rising concerns from residents and neighborhood community groups, PCRG authored a study measuring
the activity of corporate entities (LLCs, Limited Partnerships, and others) in purchasing single-family housing units in Allegheny County from 2010-2021.
As the lead author of the study, I tracked every housing transaction during that time period and geocoded the address data to fit census tract boundaries to see which
neighborhoods, boroughs, and municipalities were most effected by corporate housing purchases.
PCRG found that there was strong correlation that corporate entities were purchasing single-family housing units specifically in neighborhoods
with higher concentrations of minority populations and in low- or moderate-income neighborhoods. We did not determine any causal effects,
though is does
In order to better understand the changes in Black homeownership, PCRG authored a study to examine the changes of
neighborhoods in Pittsburgh from 2010-2014 relative to 2015-2019 based on homeownership and other factors. Additionally, we compared the
changes in Black homeownership at the county and MSA level to other similar counties and metro areas during that time period.
This analysis primarily relied on American Community Survey (ACS) data and Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data.
We found that the region as a whole experienced a loss of Black homeownership, particularly as housing prices increased which resulted in nearly
75% of Black households residing in Allegheny County lived in census tracts in bottom 50th percentile of household income.
Last updated: September 25, 2023.